ETFE Facade – Beehive – Mind District

ETFEHome enTextile architectureTextile facades
Client: Techbau spa - Landlease

Data: February 2022

Info: Executive and construction design for single layer ETFE modular facade

Based on a project by architecture firm DC10, Maco Technology was commissioned to engineer and construct a 3d rhomboidal cell facade coated with ETFE. The facade aesthetically and energetically upgrades a building in Mind District, i.e., the former Expo area in Milan.

The project consists of 78 panels divided into 6 different types including 4 corner panels made in one piece. The panels hang from a lattice system hooked to the existing structure that distances them about 50 cm from the facade of the building. The standard module, repeated 36 times, consists of a planar rhomboidal base and a projecting part, also rhomboidal but three-dimensional. The result is a complex shape reminiscent of the facets of a diamond.

The envelope, made of white paste-colored ETFE film, is intended to reduce summer thermal gain, provide privacy inside the building but, at the same time, allow a view from the inside to the outside.



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