Hotel entrance canopies – ETFE single layer

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  • Hotel entrance canopies – ETFE single layer

Client: Hotel in Miami

Data: January 2020

Info: N 5 canopies of different shapes and sizes for a total of about 700 square meters covered area

Five differently shaped canopies covered with a transparent single-layer ETFE film designed to withstand up to 300 kg of wind shear. These are the requirements received by designers engaged in the design of a new Hotel and Resort in Palm Beach, Miami. In order to meet the stringent requirements, the roofs were engineered in order to be constructed in panels, designed and assembled in Italy, after which they were shipped by ship to the United States for installation. The system allows the verification and quality control of about 50 frames of different shapes from each other and drastically reduce assembly time. The first batch consisting of 10 frames was completed and shipped in January 2020.

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